Comparing differences between Los angeles and Boston

I lived in LA for roughly two month last summer, and I’ve noticed some pretty interesting differences. As the title of this post suggests, I’m originally from Boston, my boyfriend from LA and it’s no surprise that LA and Boston are completely different. So in this assignment I want to compare the six interesting differences between LA and Boston that I’ve noticed.

  • LA is more dangerous

Los Angeles County, CA had a population of 10M people with a median age of 37 and a median household income of $72,797. However, in 2019, Boston, MA had a population of 694k people with a median age of 32.6 and a median household income of $79,018. As we can see, LA is more dangerous than Boston. Well, I hate to say it when anyone from Boston talks about how “dangerous” it is. Especially compared to other parts of the world I’ve been to, Boston has nothing on LA. I’m not saying everywhere in LA is bad, but it’s definitely a lot more dangerous overall than Boston is.

  • LA Drivers Are Way Worse.

Most people in Los Angeles County, CA drove alone to work, and the average commute time was 30.8 minutes. The average car ownership in Los Angeles County, CA was 2 cars per household. Same like Boston, Most people in Boston, MA drove alone to work, and the average commute time was 30 minutes. But the average car ownership in Boston, MA was 1 car per household. But LA Drivers Are Way Worse. I’m not saying that Boston drivers are the best in the world, but LA drivers are significantly worse. Here’s the main difference: In Boston, the drivers are aggressive, but they still know how to drive functionally. The drivers in LA are just careless, making driving a bit more stressful than Boston.

  • Different Age Ranges for Non-Natives

Both LA and Boston have tons of people living who aren’t native from that area. The main difference is in the age range – I’ve found that many people who aren’t from LA are in their 20s and above, as they just graduated college. In Boston, I find it’s usually people in college who aren’t from there, as Boston is arguably one of the biggest educational hubs in the world.

  • Public Transportation 

Public Transportation, casually referred to as the T, is taken by everyone in Boston. In LA, there is a metro system, but it’s not taken that frequently and doesn’t have the spread that Boston does. This is probably why Lyft and Uber are more popular in LA and why there’s more traffic compared to Boston.

  • No Snow in LA

No surprise here, I don’t have to deal with all the BS snow issues that come with living in Boston. Yeah, it can get pretty hot here, but I’d much rather have a hot day than shoveling out my car for a few hours in Boston.

  • In-N-Out

LA, and the west coast in general, has In-N-Out. It’s not overrated, and it’s absolutely amazing. Pro Tip: Get Animal Style when you order, it’s their secret sauce.

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