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Tufts University international student Jing Huang. Photo courtesy of Jing Huang.

Orwellian runaround

Jing Huang is cheerful and outgoing. She is an epidemiology and biostatistics, nutrition intervention, communication and behavior change major studying in Tufts University. She loves dancing, photographing and cooking. She is fluent in both Mandarin and English. She holds a 3.9 GPA. She is, by most accounts, a dream student. But a new proposed rule from the government might force her out of the country before graduation.

On Sept. 25, the Department of Homeland Security announced a proposal for new regulations that will require a two- or four-year period of stay for international students, exchange visitors and foreign information media representatives. DHS says this will encourage program compliance, reduce fraud and enhance national security. DHS implies that the two-year period will only apply to a subset of the visa holders that it predetermined to be at a higher risk of violating the terms. However, the rules fail to specify which subset of holders are considered high-risk.

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