Study Abroad Podcast

International Student

Welcome to the Study Abroad Podcast! This is Wenjing Ding, you can call me DingDing, a graduate student from Emerson College. I’m so glad you found my podcast. Whether you’re thinking about studying abroad or you are just interested in international student stories, you’ve come to the right place, this is a perfect podcast for you to listen to.

But first, let me tell you who I am, and what do international student stories mean to us? Back in the 90s I grew up in Shanghai, China. I can fluently speak Chinese (Mandarin), English, some Japanese, and Korean. Finding the people’s stories is fascinating to me and as an extremely observant individual, I’ve taken what I’ve learned about how we humans interact and am able to use that insight to create fun, and exciting social media and podcasts.

The Study Abroad Podcast is a series of podcasts that are about experiences of international students who studied abroad from the U.S and other countries. My goal is to connect people, to better appreciate and understand our differences, while recognizing our similarities and shared dreams. This podcast may benefit people who are thinking about studying abroad in the future and even people who are interested in different cultures as well.

My theme is “One voice at a time. One story at a time.” Here you’ll find a series of podcasts that are about experiences of international students who studied in U.S. Australia, London, Japan, China, and Germany and talk about their experiences and cultural differences. They will also give advice for people who are thinking about studying abroad in the future. Yat, Let’s start it!


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